💎 Growth Gems #6 - Gems From "4000%+ Engagement Lift From Early Tests"
Hi there,
Today's gems are mined from an episode of The Mobile User Acquisition show with Andy Carvell (Co-founder at Phiture).
You can use a push notification or email to have users come into the app, before showing the in-app message adapted to the segment. That way you chain these campaigns together to leverage the strengths of these different channels.
Best use cases for in-app messages: on-boarding, upselling, content recommendation and surveys.
If you are building slightly more advanced in-app messages with javascript you can ping results of surveys straight back into CRM system to enrich user profiles and start immediately segmenting them.
Simplified "propensity to churn" model: at SoundCloud they looked at the whole userbase to define how many days users should be inactive and mapped out the graph of when they should contact them to reactivate them.
Simplified "propensity to purchase": build a kind of intent model. Look at the signs of intent to purchase and sort them by level of intent: click on a feature that is behind the paywall, interaction with the paywall, starting a free trial, etc.
People are very willing to answer surveys and seem to actually like being asked for their opinion about things, including during onboarding.
When it comes to in-app messages something important is to have trigger points, not just target based on a segment. But keep in mind the smaller reach you might get if you go with something too narrow: you want to get statistical significance.
Low-hanging fruits for in-app messages: work on the onboarding flow. Figure out your key features/screens in the app (something tied to better activation rates), target users that haven't used/seen these features and educate/deep link to them.
Stay savvy!
⛏️ Sylvain